Saturday, February 03, 2007

Amateur Hour.

I might have used this cartoon before but it says a lot to me about being creative in modern times. Everyone wants to be an artist. The technology is in every home now so that each person can bring out the artist in them - whether he was there or not! It just seems that we live in an age of half-baked attempts to be whatever we want, whether we have the skill or not. Even worse, people expect it to just happen without any hard work or training or experience. I hear that DIY has been replaced by GSI (Get Someone In). The reason is clearly that people are now so busy trying to be what they aren't that all their spare time is being used up not with hobbies but trying to make their hobbies pay. The saddest thing I read this week was the tale of a new father. He really believed that he was going to be able to make a part-time hobby something to support his family by - ahem - "investing" thousands of pounds in the latest equipment.
Whatever happened to leisure time and the idea of relaxing and enjoying yourself with free time?
It isn't like being creative is fun anyway! Any "job" is just that and if there aren't bits that you hate but do anyway, you are never going to be successful enough to make a living at it.

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