Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Richard Avedon
Monday, January 29, 2007
David LaChapelle
Professional photography.
The march of Time
It seems like only yesterday that I bought my first digital camera. It was the most expensive camera I had ever bought. Okay, 640 x 480 pixels was never going to make a poster but it was good enough for web pages. The thing I like most about my second go at digital photography is that it is so much cheaper than digital videography - so far. I have been able to find some great lenses and they have all been under £100. Happy days seem to be over now though, I might actually have to spend more than double that for my next lens. At least lenses go out of date so slowly, that I will probably have gone through 3 cameras before the lenses need replacing.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Comp card design (Sed / Zed card)
The usual layout is to have a head shot on the front and upto four smaller images on the reverse. The full physical statistics should also be printed clearly, especially natural hair colour and length. It should be printed on card stock and can be matte or gloss finish. The UK / Euro size is A5, whereas in the US the common size is 5.5" x 8.5". Fonts should be plain and clear and only in black or white colour. Your name should be in a large size but not to distract from the headshot. If you intend to specialise in one field, then include a representative image, along with a full body portrait. For the headshot, you want to be looking at the camera so that you can literally catch the viewer's eye. The main shot should always be in colour but the other images can be in black and white. It is a good idea to have the printer coat the card for protection to keep it looking good. Update your comp card regularly to keep it current. Only use your very best images. Have them remade if necessary. Use a professional photographer and Make-up Artist but do not have the photographs retouched. Have them printed off-set for best results.
The photographs you use should gel: they should cover the range of your abilities and tell the story of why you are the right choice. Have a card made for each client or situation. The images have to stand out while at the same time working together. The headshot has to stand out in a pile of 100 others on a table. Use variety in the images, expression pose etc - once more everything has to be aimed at the one target though. Don't mix mats, borders and full-bleed images - keep it coherent and polished.
Portfolio advice for new models
The typical portfolio will include:
Portrait | Camera Angle: | Frontal 3/4 Profile (from the side) |
Cropped to: | Face (close-up) Head Head and Shoulders 1/2 body (waist up) | |
3/4 Body | Camera Angle | Frontal 3/4 Profile (from the side) Back |
Cropped to: | Mid-Thigh | |
Full Body | Camera Angle: | Frontal 3/4 Profile (from the side) Back |
Cropped to: | Full Body | |
Hand | Camera Angle | Varies |
Cropped to: | Hand Hands | |
Foot | Camera Angle: | Varies |
Cropped to: | Foot Feet | |
Eye | Camera Angle | Varies |
Cropped to: | Eye |
There should also be included different costumes and photographs with and without make-up. Only include your best work and have your best image at the front. Model portfoios should be printed at 9″ x 12″ and should be matted so that there is no need to turn the book when viewing portrait or landscape format. Include some black and white images. It is important that at least one head shot has no make-up and is not retouched.
Friday, January 26, 2007
2 stories of the dangers of the internet.
The first story is about a notorious photography store, although I have seen similar operations with other big ticket consumer products. They are regular advertisers in all the glossy magazines with big page spreads. They have incredible prices in the true sense of the word. Turns out they are well-known for hard sell bait and switch tactics. Price tag seems low but to get the same package everybody else sells, the customer ends up paying more for all the individual elements that were originally bundled. Someone tracked down their offices and found out that most of them were mail-drops. Not confidence inspiring.
The second story is about how anything you say on the internet can be used against you. There was a normal thread discussing photography technology and a new bit of software. Imagine the surprise of one of the posters, when months later, she finds out that a newspaper in another country has quoted her, with all her business details in an article.
Photography humour
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It's slow work being an artist.
Rubbing off the new.
Two years into the fashion for flush-mount photograph albums and reports are coming through of big problems. Not a lot of problems but serious ones. The surface actually rubbing off prints as they touch the other pages in an album. Pages sticking together so firmly they cannot be separated safely. Pages unglueing in hot temperatures. Oops! Could it be that the new technology is flawed? Or it could be the sweatshops where a lot of the albums are assembled even if the companies are well known western names? Time to re-evaluate the services and products on offer to make sure they won't let you down and that the guarantee is strong enough to keep the customer happy.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Put my first image on deviantART
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
New Microsoft EXIF info tool
Monday, January 22, 2007
Change the story by changing the POV
Just by changing the point of view or the crop of a photograph, you can totally change the story the photograph tells to the viewer.
In the first picture, we have an idyllic haven, which could be timeless and in any location.
Yet here in the second picture, taken from the same spot and at the same time, the story is of paradise lost as mankind encroaches on nature and leaves his rubbish behind
Adobe Bridge CS3 beta 2
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The advantages of LAB
String sets
One of those "Doh!" moments and a great tip for repeatable results from flash.
Once you have a flash set-up that you like and you want to be able to repeat it on different days / shoots, cut lengths of string to reach from the flash to the subject. Next time you set up, put your flashes on the required setting, put on the pre-measured string and move the flash forward until the loose end touches the subject.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Direct link to our flickr portfolio.
Blogging is the new trainspotting!
"Hi, I've got a new blog. Want to see?"
"Cool. Want to see mine?"
"Cool. Hey! They've got a new blog. Let's go and see!"
What is more tragic is that these people convince themselves they are putting in all that time to talk to their customers, but they only show them to people in the same line of business!
Friday, January 19, 2007
New BBC4 photography series in 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Another family self-portrait
Atmosphere counts in photography.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Our photo model is too fat!
Cold day taking photographs in the park
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Printers always know the right time to break
Wouldn't you know it too, after printing the forms using the printer reserved for DVD printing, one of the Epsons decides to start working properly as soon as I take the cover off. :-(
Why are beginner lighting kits so bad?
Kodak in trouble again?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The essential essence of a photograph.
This is a section of a larger photograph (which is why it is not as sharp as it should be) but it points out what, to me, is the critical feature of a photograph. It bears study and the more you look, the more of the story you get. My attention had been elsewhere, so that at first the stain on the steps didn't even register. Going through the day's photographs again, it struck me how like a bloodstain it was. Bearing in mind the location on the war memorial and the surroundings of the other marks of loss and remembrance, I was overwhelmed by how poignant the stain was and how it symbolic it now became. This is a place where we remember the people who spilt blood for us.
Mapping out an event
From my window.
Now my workroom is also high up but the window is small and I often feel like the prisoner in L'etranger only able to see a patch of sky. However, I love watching the sky. Yes, as a kid, there was no purer joy than to lie on the grass and watch the clouds. I wish I could relax enough to do that now : ( .
Cloud race past the window, always left to right, rushing who knows where. They draw a constant stream of colour and shape, much better than anything on television or even the most psychedelic screensaver. They always leave me with the question of how something so dark and grey can pump out so much light.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Lith look image
Very simple technique that, with a simple composition, gives a very striking high contrast image that is almost the same quality as an illustration.
Autoscreen Process for Digital Photographs
Similar in effect to a halftone pattern but I find it gives a far more interesting range of effects when you try different blending modes.
An explanation of EXIF data in digital photographs
Free EXIF viewer
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Inspiration for photographs
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The framing and matting photography challenge.
I have been gradually building up the equipment to be able to do my own frame building and matting in-house. I was spurred on by the desire to add the finishing individual touch. To me, that is as personal a touch as the artist's signature. Of course, that is only the theory.
I have been reluctant to take the first steps and make the first cuts, even tough I have had a 30" x 20" portrait sample waiting on the bench since July. Part of me is worried that I won't be as good as I want.
I have found most of the suppliers I need to offer the service to all my clients from 2007 on. Now I just have to take a deep breath and make the first incision.
New flickr group
It is a group to discuss and show stock and portrait photographs. If you would like to join, contact me and I will send you an invitation.
Stock Photography
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Xmas Blues
Seems to be a lot of it about. This was supposed to be about the curve of the poles but looking at the image, it struck me how everyone is alone, in complete contrast to a few days earlier when Piccadilly Gardens were full of happy families.